So this week I cooked a shepherds pie for my boyfriend. My dads from England and makes a mean pie and so I thought I would give it a try.
My dad doesn't use recipes and any time you ask him how it's done he says add heat. When you say how hot he says how ever fast you want it done and when you say how long he says it's done when you can smell it. It's a precise science haha. Well he gave me a few tips and I attempted and my pie came out amazing! I was so impressed with myself.
I finally finished all of my gnomes too. Now all I have to do is write a little note for one and plant it in the neighbours garden.
Finally I'll leave you with a picture of the most adorable old couple ever on the beach the other day, I can't wait to be like them in 50 years <3
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
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