Day 25: Put Your ipod on Shuffle, 1st 15 Songs
1. Vanessa Carlton- White Houses
2. The Kooks- If Only
3. Mae- Suspension
4. Jacks Mannequin- Swim
5. No Doubt- Hey You
6. Elvis Costello- Watch Your Step
7. Scary Kids Scaring Kids- Faces
8. The Clash- Rudie Cant Fail
9. Green Day- Welcome to Paradise
10. Something Corporate- 21 and Invincible
11. Sia- Clap Your Hands
12. The Redskins- Let's Make It Work!
13. La Roux- In For The Kill
14. Death On Wednesday- Sympathy
15. Lenka- Bring Me Down
Day 25: 30 Day Challenge
Posted by shivy at 7:10 PM 0 sweet things
Labels: 30 day challange
Day 24: 30 Day Challenge
Day 24: Something You Have Learned
Well I think the most important thing I have learned is how to listen. I think that if the world had a few more people who would listen without previous prejudices that keep them from really hearing the world would be a better place. I have also learned to admit when I am wrong but to never back down when it is something I truly believe in.
Posted by shivy at 5:27 PM 0 sweet things
Labels: 30 day challange
Halloween Cards
Now that I'm pretty sure everyone has recieved their Halloween Cards I guess I can share them. I was really excited with how most of them turned out :]
Cant resist some glitter stickles.
Or a good owl pun :]
Mummy was the boyfriends favourite.
Most of the letters were stamped from a Martha Stewart stamp set I got a few years back but the one above I free handed, not bad if I do say so myself.
Oops, ran out of room and couldnt fit an a, my baddd.
Posted by shivy at 4:52 PM 0 sweet things
Labels: cards, halloween, paper craft
Day 23: 30 Day Challenge
Day 23: Favourite Movie
Sabrina. Hands down. I love every bit about this movie and of course love Audrey Hepburn. The fashion in this movie makes me swoon, especially her parisian ball gown, I seriously want my wedding dress like that, black lace trim and all. Second favourite movie-Princess Bride, how can you not love it?! I almost wanna say its the greatest movie of all time.
Posted by shivy at 4:48 PM 0 sweet things
Labels: 30 day challange
Day 22: 30 Day Challenge
This is a pretty recent photo but I love it. My mom is in the middle and my aunt on the right. I just love love love this picture. This was a challenge cause there are a few I wanted to pick but I think this one is the best. I really wanted a baby picture but its on my other broken computer, another time.
Posted by shivy at 1:42 PM 0 sweet things
Labels: 30 day challange, me