Day 25: Put Your ipod on Shuffle, 1st 15 Songs
1. Vanessa Carlton- White Houses
2. The Kooks- If Only
3. Mae- Suspension
4. Jacks Mannequin- Swim
5. No Doubt- Hey You
6. Elvis Costello- Watch Your Step
7. Scary Kids Scaring Kids- Faces
8. The Clash- Rudie Cant Fail
9. Green Day- Welcome to Paradise
10. Something Corporate- 21 and Invincible
11. Sia- Clap Your Hands
12. The Redskins- Let's Make It Work!
13. La Roux- In For The Kill
14. Death On Wednesday- Sympathy
15. Lenka- Bring Me Down
Day 25: 30 Day Challenge
Posted by shivy at 7:10 PM 0 sweet things
Labels: 30 day challange
Day 24: 30 Day Challenge
Day 24: Something You Have Learned
Well I think the most important thing I have learned is how to listen. I think that if the world had a few more people who would listen without previous prejudices that keep them from really hearing the world would be a better place. I have also learned to admit when I am wrong but to never back down when it is something I truly believe in.
Posted by shivy at 5:27 PM 0 sweet things
Labels: 30 day challange
Halloween Cards
Now that I'm pretty sure everyone has recieved their Halloween Cards I guess I can share them. I was really excited with how most of them turned out :]
Cant resist some glitter stickles.
Or a good owl pun :]
Mummy was the boyfriends favourite.
Most of the letters were stamped from a Martha Stewart stamp set I got a few years back but the one above I free handed, not bad if I do say so myself.
Oops, ran out of room and couldnt fit an a, my baddd.
Posted by shivy at 4:52 PM 0 sweet things
Labels: cards, halloween, paper craft
Day 23: 30 Day Challenge
Day 23: Favourite Movie
Sabrina. Hands down. I love every bit about this movie and of course love Audrey Hepburn. The fashion in this movie makes me swoon, especially her parisian ball gown, I seriously want my wedding dress like that, black lace trim and all. Second favourite movie-Princess Bride, how can you not love it?! I almost wanna say its the greatest movie of all time.
Posted by shivy at 4:48 PM 0 sweet things
Labels: 30 day challange
Day 22: 30 Day Challenge
This is a pretty recent photo but I love it. My mom is in the middle and my aunt on the right. I just love love love this picture. This was a challenge cause there are a few I wanted to pick but I think this one is the best. I really wanted a baby picture but its on my other broken computer, another time.
Posted by shivy at 1:42 PM 0 sweet things
Labels: 30 day challange, me
Day 21: 30 Day Challenge
Day 21: What's In Your Purse
My wallet-skeleton loungefly
passport-never know when you might need an extra id, and since I frequently forget my id in my boyfriends pocket....
sunscreen-not because I am particularly smart but because I try and always put it on my tattoo so it looks good in 20 years.
camera+spare battery
doggie poopie bag
LACMA tim burton exhibit tickets from yesterday :]
Posted by shivy at 9:42 PM 0 sweet things
Labels: 30 day challange
Day 20: 30 Day Challenge
Grr I thought while I was out of town I would be able to keep up on this challenge but had no such luck. But now I'm back from the pause!
Day 20: Nicknames
Main nickname is Shivy, just a shorter version of Siobahn. Also Shiv, shiv biv. I also get called pixie a lot because Im tiny and the short hair. My dad calls me periwinkle or Hot Rod, hot rod cause my first time fishing at 7 I caught 9 fish, and my dad couldn't catch a thing.
Posted by shivy at 11:15 AM 0 sweet things
Labels: 30 day challange
Day 19: 30 Day Challenge
Day 19: Something You Miss
I don't really miss much, I am more excited for the future. I guess I miss certain friends from highschool, but life will always make you drift apart from them I feel. I miss Santa Barbara I guess, a lot. I like the beach and the quiet and the fact that I knew that city, now I have no idea where anything is and it's super busy and dirty in LA. Our dog doesn't have as much fun, seeing as there is no dog beach for her and we don't have a yard anymore for her to play ball. I just try not to miss it and think ahead to graduating and marriage and babies. :]
Posted by shivy at 2:13 PM 0 sweet things
Labels: 30 day challange
Day 18: 30 Day Challenge
Day 18: Favorite Place To Eat
Ooohh this is a hard one! Ruby's probably. They have so much yummy stuff and the best milkshakes ever. In n Out is the best burger, rubios is my favourite taco, and I love Mimis too.
Posted by shivy at 3:06 PM 0 sweet things
Labels: 30 day challange
Day 17: 30 Day Challenge
So I was busy yesterday making Halloween cards so totally forgot to do my challenge! Sorry
Day 17: Something You're Looking Forward To
Christmas! I love doing creative things for Christmas and I love giving people gifts. Now that we are in our own apartment I cant wait to decorate and go all out. I want to do an advent calender this year and have so many other cute ideas on pinterest.
Posted by shivy at 3:03 PM 0 sweet things
Labels: 30 day challange
Oh My Goodness I Am In Love!

Posted by shivy at 11:01 PM 0 sweet things
Labels: azores cattle dog, faux paintings
Day 16: 30 Day Challenge
Day 16: Your Dream House
ooohhhh I like this one! Well my dream house would be from the 50's and have lots of character. I would love to have a hexagonal living room nook area that I can put a christmas tree in and everyone can see it. I would love a reading nook and a his and hers bathroom, especially with a big bathtub and a multi nozzle shower. I'm building my dreamhouse on pinterest for when the time comes. :]
Posted by shivy at 12:46 PM 0 sweet things
Labels: 30 day challange
Day 15: 30 Day Challenge
Day 15: Favourite Books
I love books! I used to work at Borders (rip) until earlier this year when our store closed so I am passionate about books. I think my favourite book is Smack by Melvin Burgess-Ive read it dozens of times. Number two might be I Am Legend- a million times better than the movie, they actually don't have too much in common and well worth the read. I also love a lot of books I read in high school-lord of the flies, all quiet on the western front, sidhartha, etc. All in all I'm just a book junky and it makes me sad to think that maybe one day our kids won't even know what a book store is, it will all be electronid.
Posted by shivy at 1:45 PM 0 sweet things
Labels: 30 day challange
Day 14: 30 Day Challenge
Day 14: A picture of you last year - how have you changed?
This is a year ago tomorrow. Normally my changes are so dramatic (I won most changed in high school) since I change my hair A LOT. But I've been trying to grow it out since January and this is the longest I've had my hair in 8 years. In this pic my hair is pretty long for me, so the change isn't too much. But now I live in a big city and I'm in the next chapter, on towards marriage and babies and the rest of life. :]
Posted by shivy at 3:42 PM 0 sweet things
Labels: 30 day challange
Chalkboard re-vamp
Posted by shivy at 3:48 PM 0 sweet things
Labels: home crafts
Day 13: 30 Day Challenge
Day 13: Goals
Numero Uno is to get my but into a financial advisor and finish my application and start school so that once I'm out of school Jason can finally propose, I can have my dream wedding and be so crafty I'll make people. Short term is to get a job right now cause us both being unemployed is not fun. I wanna get more organized(dont we all) and eat healthier too. It's hard for me to be healthy when I'm naturally so thin, I don't have much to motivate me haah. Those are my goals. :]
Posted by shivy at 12:14 PM 0 sweet things
Day 12: 30 Day Challenge
Day 12: Something You Don't Leave Home Without
Well as we have seen in photo's I love sunglasses so I don't typically leave home without my raybans. Other than that I'm pretty simple and only usually have my phone and wallet, occassionally I don't leave without lipstick but only on a not so lazy day. :]
Posted by shivy at 11:14 AM 0 sweet things
Labels: 30 day challange
Day 11: 30 Day Challenge
Day 11: Favourite TV Shows
I like pretty much all shows, minus Jersey Shore haha. I'm a huge fan of british tv, top gear, dr who, little britain, coupling. How I met your mother, big bang theory, say yes to the dress, extreme couponing, lost, house, tmz. Im sure there are more that Im forgetting haha. I just love having cable again so I can actually watch tv!
Posted by shivy at 2:47 PM 0 sweet things
Labels: 30 day challange
Day 10: 30 Day Challenge
Day 10: Something You're Afraid Of
Butter! I know I know it's funny, but we don't pick our phobias. I don't know when it started or why but I just don't like being around butter. I will eat it in my food but if it's in front of me on a table I don't like it and heaven forbid I get it on my skin- I will have a panic attack. This makes it extremely difficult to surprise bake for Jason since I can't unwrap or measure out butter.
Posted by shivy at 2:08 PM 0 sweet things
Labels: 30 day challange
Day 9: 30 Day Challenge
Day 9: A Picture of Your Best Friend
Posted by shivy at 11:41 AM 0 sweet things
Labels: 30 day challange, friends
Day 8: 30 Day Challenge
Posted by shivy at 3:30 PM 0 sweet things
Labels: 30 day challange, abroad
Day 7: 30 Day Challenge
Day 7: Favourite Movies
1. Breakfast at Tiffanys- and pretty much any other Audrey Hepburn movie, I have been obsessed with her since I was really little.
2. The Princess Bride- Greatest movie of all time? I think it's a contender.
3. Gnomeo and Juliet- best humor and I love gnomes!
4. Batman/Indiana Jones/Star Wars
5. Amelie
6. How to Marry a Millionaire- Marylin Monroe is hilarious in this
That probably sums up my favourite movies. Now I have a lot I like but these hold a special place in my heart.
Posted by shivy at 10:09 AM 0 sweet things
Labels: 30 day challange
Day 6: 30 Day Challenge
This is Knapps Castle. It is a hidden gem in Santa Barbara. Its a 15 minute drive into the mountains and a 10 minute flat dirt road to the Castle. It was built in 1916 by a rich mogul, George Owen Knapp. A week after selling it it burned down in a wild fire, so know all that is left are ruins. It is the most beautiful and serene place ever and I am sooo happy when I am here. You can't see anything but wilderness for miles. With the mountains cutting into the landscape and a lake off in the distance. This place makes me truly happy and grateful.
Also my dog sleeping like this makes me happy :]
Posted by shivy at 10:49 AM 0 sweet things
Labels: 30 day challange, out and about
Halloween Mantle and Crafts Galore!
I officially finished my Halloween Mantle. I thought I was done a few days ago but then some things fell that needed fixing and I added another banner today. I don't have a real fireplace mantle so this tiny shelp will have to do for a while. It may be a little cluttered but I just have too many good Halloween things. I plan on showing a different craft every day this week.
This is the banner I made today and added. I printed old encyclopedia illustrations from the internet onto book pages for a more antique look. I also printed letters and spelled out spooky.
Posted by shivy at 8:50 PM 0 sweet things
Labels: banner, halloween, mantle, paper craft, vintage illustrations
Day 5: 30 Day Challenge
Day 5: A Song To Match Your Mood
Ingrid Michaelson 'The Way I Am
If there was a song about being sick, sniffly and sneezy it would be more appropriate today seeing as I am fighting off a cold but my boyfriend is being a good nurse.
If you were falling, then I would catch you
You need a light, I'd find a match
'Cause I love the way you say good morning
And you take me the way I am
If you are chilly, here take my sweater
Your head is aching, I'll make it better
'Cause I love the way you call me, baby
And you take me the way I am
I'd buy you Rogaine when you start losing all your hair
Sew on patches to all you tear
'Cause I love you more than I could ever promise
And you take me the way I am
You take me the way I am, you take me the way I am
Posted by shivy at 11:01 AM 0 sweet things
Labels: 30 day challange
Day 4: 30 Day Challenge
Posted by shivy at 12:25 PM 0 sweet things
Labels: 30 day challange
Day 3: 30 Day Challenge
Posted by shivy at 10:52 AM 0 sweet things
Labels: 30 day challange
30 Day Challenge Day 2
Day 2: Meaning Behind Your Blog Name
I came up with Tiny Crafter pretty quickly when I was setting up my blog. It's not a play on words I had thought of before but it was perfect. One of my favourite songs, being a dancer my whole life is Elton John's 'Tiny Dancer'. This was on af my favourite's cause at 5ft 1 and barely 90 pounds I'm pretty tiny, or petite if you will. My whole family is tiny, except my Mom but I didn't get the height gene, my little sister did. So as a play on Tiny Dancer but I'm a Tiny Crafter my blog name was born. :]
Posted by shivy at 9:36 AM 0 sweet things
Labels: 30 day challange
Blog Challenge!
So while I'm not working I have no excuse for not keeping this blog up but yet I manage. Well I've been seeing these 30 day blog challenges and I said "why not!" Tomorrow I also need to post the Halloween crafts I've already completed and decorated with. P.S. my favourite holiday is Halloween!Day 1. Introduce yourself, a recent picture of yourself, and 15 interesting facts.
I'm Siobahn. I'm 22. I do every craft imaginable. I live with my boyfriend and my dog Boo, they are my world. This is the most recent picture of me, with a dolphin at Sea World. :]
1. Siobahn= gaelic(irish) name for Sara. Pronounced Sha-vonne.
2. My dad is from England and therefore he couldn't give me a normal name and instead picked a hard, non-phenotic name.
3. My belly button is neither an innie nor an outie; it is shaped like a star :]
4. I have one tattoo. I got in in memoriam for my Grandpa. It is a heart made of black licorice (his favorite) and a shamrock (his last name was Reilly) and says Papa. I want more in the future.
5. My dog, Boo, is an Azores Cattle Dog. She looks like a hyena and is wayy too smart. She is the only breed I have found where they cut their ears round, like a bear. (we got her when she was older or we would not have docked her ears)
6. I used to be a ballerina but at 5 foot 1 there was no future career for me.
7. I have always had short hair. Usually so short its almost buzzed. I freak out when it starts getting long. I am currently trying to grow it out though cause I want long hair when I get married. It's driving me crazy.
8. I recently have been craving large amounts of popcorn.
9. My dream car(as discovered last weekend) is a '54 Chevy Nomad Concept. Only 3 exist so keep dreaming Siobahn!
10. I needed a prom date for Junior Prom. In comes Jason. 5 and a half years later we are still together. That never happens but we are so lucky. (it hasnt always been easy but so worth it!)
11. My weakness is hello kitty. I buy everything with her. It doesn't help that I can fit in kids clothing and Target has lots of kids t-shirts for her.
12. I am going to school to be a CSI. I have always loved it and the science behind it and the more and more classes I take the more I love it.
13. I collect old photographs from antique stores. Usually not of people(although me and my gf give eachother 'fabulous ladies' photos) but of landscapes, cars, odd things etc. One of my favourites is one from the 30's of a racoon clinging to a tree from someones hiking trip.
14. I also collect skulls, owls, sea glass, and gnomes. :]
15. All my fish have Sea related gaelic names. I'm not going to torcher my kids with one so I'm getting it all out of my system through my fish. Right now we have Muirgheas meaning Sea Taboo.
whew that was hard!! Cant wait for 29 more days and Halloween!
Posted by shivy at 9:20 PM 0 sweet things
Labels: 30 day challange
Ugh I find myself lagging on this, partly because my projects are long term and because I feel like I'm writing to myself. Well, self, here are some projects I've finished recently. My friends birthday last week and her favorite animal is a giraffe, it even has a fring-t mane :]
Finally I took pictures of all the crafts I have finished in the month without internet. We have been decorating and unpacking like mad and it's starting to feel like home. I have so many ideas, mostly from pinterest, for our apartment and can't wait to start on new things.
The day of the dead canvas I posted a while back when it was incomplete and is finally done and ready for its home on our wall.
My scrapbook pillow is coming along. I still have the task of doing the Tower of London and Buckingham Palace which are gonna be hard with the small details, and a few other pieces on there but its coming along nicely.
Posted by shivy at 1:00 PM 0 sweet things
Labels: canvas, crochet, dia de los muertos, embroidered, embroidery, pillow, recycle, skulls
we have internet! Tomorrow I will update and take photos of all the crafts I have completed in internets absence. Right now I am catching up on all the tv I have been without for 2 years :] any suggestions are welcomed. Til Tomorrow!
Posted by shivy at 8:43 PM 0 sweet things
So deprived!
The move to Los Angeles went well and we are really enjoying the city. Only downside is we cant get internet to come hook up our place until august, so over a month with no internet! We have been doing lots of puzzles and board games to stay entertained. Finished a few crafts that I will have to update once I have web in the place. :]
Posted by shivy at 8:19 AM 0 sweet things
moving announcements
The day after we found our place I was so excited I couldnt contain it and started making announcements to mail out. I wanted to print it on carboard pieces but didnt want to pay extra postage so settled on some brown cardstock. I drew some 'box' sayings on the front and when I got to The Ups Store, I put a bunch of different stamps on it too. I downloaded a type writer font to make it cuter and stamped and drew on it some more. I forgot our apartment number so made the owl exclaiming it. Mailed em out and cant wait for people to start getting them!
[sorry the pics are sideways, they werent on my camera and arent on the comp but upload this way]
Posted by shivy at 5:38 PM 0 sweet things
Soo my boyfriend and I are moving from our beautiful home in Santa Barbara to start our next chapter in Los Angeles. Its not a town I would choose to live in but we need to to both go to the universities we need. We looked for apartments yesterday and found the perfect one for our family :] Its adorable, has little built in bookshelves and 50's ish charm. We are excited to have our own apartment after living with roommates for 3 years and now we have one to ourselves. Lots of crafting to come and decorating. Yayyy.
Posted by shivy at 11:02 AM 0 sweet things
Scrapbook Pillow
Im plugging along on my pillow and its coming along nicely, even though I've only finished one 'memory' on it but I'm happy with it and getting more and more excited. Heres a picture(sorry its not that great I didnt have any sunlight at the time) and a picture of the original photo that I was modeling it after, this is the street that Jason and I stayed on in England with my aunt. Enjoy!
Posted by shivy at 6:41 PM 0 sweet things
Labels: embroidery, pillow, trip
So I haven't been blogging lately with so many things going on right now. I have been having car troubles for 4.5 months now and then had a gnarly cold for two weeks now with no end in sight. I will be crafting again soon though. I've made a couple cards but bought more stuff then I have made recently. I'm going to start powering through me pillow cause I want it finished cause I'm so excited about it. Here's some hipstamatic pics for now and hopefully I'll have some craft pics up this week. :)
Anaheim angels game
Boo's new toy, pink poodle!
Beautiful flowers Jason got me for our anniversary(5 years!!)
Posted by shivy at 9:57 AM 0 sweet things
Labels: hipstamatic, out and about
So busy
School is starting to get down to the end and my anniversary(five years eek!) is next week and my boyfriends birthday is a week later so a lot of planning and crafting in secret going on here. I'm plugging a head on my London pillow and it's turning our better than I imagined. I got a new app too that allows you to do an inventory of embroidery floss and attach them to projects- now I dont have to bring it to the craft store and match thread I ran out of, it's awesome! Have a good weekend everyone :)
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Posted by shivy at 7:05 PM 0 sweet things
Labels: hipstamatic, out and about
New project!
Posted by shivy at 5:48 PM 0 sweet things
Labels: embroidery, pillow, trip