
Weekend to myself

So the boyfriend is away for the weekend which means lots of movies and crafting for me when I'm not at work. Unfortunately he has the camera or else I would post a photo of the progress of the embroidered portrait of my grandpa but it will have to wait til monday I suppose. I have soo much to do this weekend with a few big days coming up, our 4 year anniversary and his birthday. Hopefully new pictures up soon and finished crafts I can cross off my ever growing list. :]

Heres a photo we took the other day at the most fabulous cupcakery in Santa Barbara. Delicious!


"The Doctors"

So yesterday me and a girlfriend went to a taping of the show "The Doctors." We had a pretty good time and walked away with some pretty cool stuff. My favourite is a new bra and custom fitting from intimacy and a new bissel vacuum, which is my first vacuum ever :] now i can be a cute little housewife.


it has been too long....

Wow way too much going on and havent been on in so long. Ive been working hard on immortalizing my grandpa in thread but I choose time consuming stitches, its gonna look amazing when its finished but it might take 30 years haha. It raining here and im excited to wear my rain boots tomorrow. And to keep up on this blog. :]